
Friday, May 12, 2006

Blasts kill five, 42 injured...Addis tense
Although other news sources have reported it, I find it compelling to say something about to day's explosions. There were eight of them, killing five and injuring fourty two. I arrived at the scene of the gotera blast minutes after it happened. Blood all over the place. I was told two died immediately. Today's targets were public transportation, cafteria and places frequented by people. Three were in the merkato area( two cafes and vendor's box); two in piassa(Ethiopian airlines ticket office and Ethiopian electic light corporation); one near the tikur anbessa hosital(Taxi); one at sost kutir mazoriya(Bus no. 77) and the last at Gotera(small bus).
Most people I talked with were pointing their fingures on the government. Papers calling civil disobedience are circulating in the city. It is likely that some kind of action may take place on may 15. Some say the government is planting and exploding bombs to get a justification for mass arrest before may 15.


Anonymous said...

This is truly sad. Whoever is doing this, is just plain plain stupid.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It looks a desperate act by the TPLF to punish Addis residents for rejecting its repressive regime. It won't be the first time TPLF resort to killing for percieved political gains.

Anonymous said...

"...... እነኝህ የትግራይ ማርክሲስት ሌኒንስት ሊግ አንጋፋ አባላት የሆኑ ትግሬዎች ናቸዉ :: የፓርቲ ዲሲፕሊን ይጠቀማሉ ; በስልጣን ለመቆየትና ስልጣን ለመጋራት የሚፈለጉ ሌሎችን ተስፋ ለማስቆረጥ ሲሉ ደግሞ ሁሉንም አይነት የማርክሲስት ሌኒንስት ስርዓት አስቀያሚ ዘዴዎች ይጠቀማሉ :: (they use all of the dirty tricks of the M. L...) :: ሥለዚህ እነዚህ ሰዎች እስኪገለሉ ድረስ , በምራብ አለም ያለነዉ እንደምንረዳዉ , ለዲሞክራሲ በእዉነቱ ተስፋ ያለ አይመስሎኝም ::”

Voa 12/05/2006

Dirty tricks include
- Bombing civilians

Anonymous said...

Last time when we hear about minor explosions the police was quick to blame its opponents,but now with this highly coordinated major attack why is the police silent/unable to speculate or find out the perperators of this crime?

Anonymous said...

To your answer Dear concerned it is obvious the policy itself is getting disgusted by the action of the government that they work for. Enough is Enough.

Meles and his cohorts are pushing people to the end they know they cannot rule so they want to destroy. The behavior of exploding bombs and killing people randomly is their method they used it in Tigria and they are trying to do the same in Addis, they want people to come out on mass so they can justify their killing fields. These people are sicker than anyone of us imagined them, they are drunk with blood, greed and beligerence that they feel by creating chaos they can totally destroy. Only sick minds can think this way but that is what they want that is why Addis is being surrounded by new forces. This is their vendetta.

Anonymous said...

In the name of terrorism, the simultaneous attack on Ethiopians is at large since Meles took power in 1991. Over the last fifteen years, Ethiopians have suffered a planned attack which the Meles regime set in the name of "terrorist" through out the country. The Meles Cadres are jailing and killing many Ethiopians who have repeatedly given up hope to patiently look at being targeted by various leaders and members of TPLF. It is a very well known fact that Ethiopia is forcely governed by the terrorist group called "TPLF" and it is for sure to know that this terrorist group will not stop terrorizing the people of Ethiopia and the country.
Meles is always sniffing blood none stop and Ethiopians are being sacrificed for his thirsty. the unconventional use of violence against civilians makes Meles himself a terrorist as long as he is targeting civilians as enemy of TPLF. The political violence used by Meles is random, immoral and unjustifiable. The term "Democracy" is being used to Meles's ethnic politics so he won't be identified as one of the terrorist which the Western, right now, supports fully. Meles carried out terrorist activities to paralyze and demoralize Ethiopians with fear in different part of Ethiopia, and also to pressure western into conceding to the terrorist's agenda. He resisted efforts to suppress his organized crime and developed technical murder into a political activism taught through TPLF cadres.
The Terror originated at the central committee of the TPLF that aims to destroy internal political opponents and civic leaders and to chase the external forces which oversees the human right abuses in Ethiopia. Ethiopians understand that Meles is threatened both by internal oppositions and civic leaders, and by the diaspora fearing that the era of TPLF would end quickly. It is a matter of survival that lead Meles to terrorize, kill and murder on the street of cities and regions of Ethiopia. With the backing of the Agazi army, Meles managed to stay in power, to jail innocents and murder Ethiopians. This is a policy which the TPLF used violently to repress and crush Ethiopians who oppose to Meles regime.
TPLF is causing the central quarters of Addis Ababa and the rest of major urban and commercial areas to be shut down. Meles is sending his Agazi Army who used Grenades and Bombs against the people of Ethiopia who worships the freedom of movement and peaceful life. On top of torturing and murdering innocent Ethiopians, it becomes clear that TPLF is engaging itself in terrorizing the people of Ethiopia by installing grenades and bombs in public areas of the capital city Addis Ababa.
TPLF have unquestionably been caught ruining the country to keep Meles as absolute monarch, under the guise of democracy. TPLF consistently, and as a matter of course, violate the human rights of people of Ethiopia to such a degree that for all practical purposes human rights do not exist. Ethiopia becomes now that there is no state , where there are few or no public authorities who care about Ethiopians. TPLF does not guarantee human rights but terrorism, violence, and dictatorship.
Since Meles took power, his authoritarian rule, which is supported by Agazi army, ingrained violence as the norm of his regime. There is no other reason to destroy the capital city or disrupt the lives of Ethiopians. These destructions clearly show the world what power simply does for power's sake. Meles himself considers the people of Ethiopia no more than fleas - when Ethiopians get in the way of TPLF, Ethiopians are swatted and squished.The western should stop funneling their fund to flare violence in the lives of Ethiopians. Even though foreign interest plays a major role in sustaining the rebellion by Meles group, the UN and the rest of developed countries should recommend peace to stabilize the country instead of creating chaos to worsen the situation in Ethiopia. Understanding with UN and US attention directed elsewhere, US, in fact, will lose its vital interests at stake as the world know that it played a major role in supporting the dictator Meles. Open your eyes!!!

Anonymous said...

After reading this blog article and also some of CUD supportive webs, I am convinced its CUD and co who are bombing the city.
Well look at this way people, CUD and co are bombing the city, this create tension and also at same time you can escape blame by blaming goverment.
I do not know how Meles will benefit by creating tension in the country he administer.
it is really ridiculous. How on earth are they going to benefit by planting bombs when at the same time they are trying to project the image that the country is peacefull and stable.
The only beneficiary group are either the exiles and imprisoned group such as OLF, ONLF and CUD who have nothing to loose since well they can always say" Most people I talked with were pointing their fingures on the government"

Anonymous said...

"Meles carried out terrorist activities to paralyze and demoralize Ethiopians with fear in different part of Ethiopia, and also to pressure western into conceding to the terrorist's agenda. He resisted efforts to suppress his organized crime and developed technical murder into a political activism taught through TPLF cadres."

Anonymous said...

Dear #8 anonnymous, for your information Melese has not been in control of Addis for long time he fears the people and knows that he is not liked. He knew this for a long time but it hit him in the face on May 15,2005. The man is vengful and is willing to do anything. The adage of desperate people do desperate things is clear here.

Kinijit or any Ethiopian group would never do the things that are taking place in Addis and the rest of the country. They would never go at the people. Think back even when the ONLF or OLF were said to have set bombs they did it at Woyane hang outs not. What benefit do you think Kinijit would have by attacking its own supporters only idiots like Woyane would think this makes sense since they have no ounce of decency and can only think through their lowest instinct. Their intention is to creat fear mayhame and to give the impression to the West that terrerorism is alive in Ethiopia. Yes we are facing terrorism by a so called government that is out of control. The Westerners know what is going on but their greed and disregard to the pain of people of color is not new, the same happened in Ruwanda, and when things get to bad they will start flying out. This has been taking place all over Africa eg, Ivory Coast, Congo,and quite few others, we bought into their garbage news and never read below the line to find out what really was taking place. Now it is in our court and we do not understand what is going on because we never were really interested. So Dear friend wake up and smell the coffee. Mengestu was crazy, but we now have Satan incarnet, who has openly expressed that he and his cohorts would not blink to destroy Ethiopia. I realize that it is hard to imagine or accept this possibility but it is taking place, who in Ethiopia even new what Interhamwe was when he and his goons started prophceing its coming during the debate. This is the sickness that we are facing. Of course if you are one of his supporters it would be hard for you to understand, but if you are geniuenly concered you would go back and look at the information to be clear about what is taking place.

Anonymous said...

Do you remember the attacks on Tigray Hotel? don’t tell me that was the work of TPLF too?

Anonymous said...

TPLF bombing of Tigrai Hotel? It is not out of the possibility. These (TPLF) are terrorists who set up the peasants of Hawzien, Tigrai (for whom they claimed they stood for) to be bombed by DERG while they take videos from a safe distance in the eighties similar to what the Al Qaida terrorists in Iraq are doing now. They then used the video to show how DERG was brutal to the WEST for the same reason as they do now - beg for West's tax payers money to fight terrorism. The TPLF bandits have two expertise; terrorizing powerless civilians and begging money from the powerful - a deadly combination for Ethiopians pride and freedom.

Anonymous said...

I already qualified if and when the fronts have attacked Addis it was at Woyane center and Tigraye Hotel is one such. Infact is that not when Meles was goin through his Bonpartisan crap and the split within TPLF that happened around that period. Thank you for tickling my memory. You see my dear it is thier signature.

Anonymous said...

In my point of view all this can only emanet from the eprdf/woyane group. Just to try to justify for the western powers his illegal action on the opposition groups.Yasazinal...

Anonymous said...

Just think about it...

Who owns these sophisticated bombs in Addis amid a blanketed TPLF surveilance?
Who hates the ORDINARY people of Addis?
Who hates taxi and minibus drivers?
Who benefits from such terror and intimidation of the people on the eve of the anniversary of their triuphant rejection of tyranny?

Anonymous said...

The TPLF thought it was a great strategy; intimidate the people from voicing their opposition to tyranny and use it to obtain Bush's anti-terror money.

The tyrants spend a whole lot of time, resources and whatever jungle brain they have to plan how, when, where, how many bombs to place in Addis? They also have to have a coverup plan as well - this is not a way to live even in a palace!

Ethiopians who are not related or are not beneficiaries of this tyranny know who is responsible and in the process TPLF has deepened the people's hatred towards it. The people know it and TPLF knows it, there is no mending - they just got to go!

Anonymous said...

Huh... this is what we do now? blast off civilians? whoever is doing this they ought to know that this is idiotic. whatever their goal is better to rethink their path to it for killing people is not going to make it happen.
New York

Anonymous said...

Oyyy. Boy we got one S.O.B as a head of state yeah! arersting, torturing and killing enough now he is blowing civilians?...Jesus...what's next firing squad?

Another New Yorker

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