
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Norwegian Puzzle

The Norway Post wrote this about Ethiopia's decision to ask the withdrawal of six Norwegian diplomats.
According to EZ Post sources, Norway has already decided to freeze $150 million worth of development aid. Further, sources reported that they are taking the case to the UN Security Council and the European Commission. Norway isn't a member of the European Union.

This is from Earthtimes

Ethiopia expels six Norwegian diplomats

Oslo - Ethiopia has expelled six of Norway's eight diplomats in the African nation, the foreign ministry in Oslo said late Monday. The Ethiopian government said the expulsion came because of threats to its security due to Norway's involvement in mediating the border dispute with Eritrea. The six embassy employees are to leave the country by September 15.
Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Stre called the move completely surprising and shocking, adding discussions in the border dispute between Ethiopia and Eritrea depend on the trust of both sides.
With only two diplomats left in Addis Ababa, Norway's involvement in finding a solution to the conflict would be endangered.

Update 1:

And here is what the BBC said about the whole affair.


Anonymous said...

I am not personally interested in the political and economic ramification of the poor diplomatic relation between the respective Governments (Norway and Ethiopia). I hope that the Norwagians would feel accountable to the poeple of Norway and that of Ethiopia and tell us the real reason why the Government in Ethiopia wanted to expel these diplomats from Ethiopia. I want to know if both the diplomats of Norway in Ethiopia and the Government in Ethiopia are acting in line with the power and responsibility entrusted to them by the people of the respective countries. In short, let us first ask our right to know the true nature of this diplomatic war between the Norwagian dimplomats and the Governemtn in Ethiopia. We have the right to know what really happened.

Anonymous said...


Give me a break. Meles expelling Norwegian diplomats and loose $150,000,000? Since when these tugs started caring for the Ethiopian people’s national interest? Please do not fool yourself. There is more than what is discussed here and we will not trust Norweigian or Meles. By the way Ethiopia did not expel and will not expell any body. Ethiopia itself is in exile.

Anonymous said...

Well, as you said it is puzzling at best. But as someone said the Melese regime puts priority to filling its money chest rather than care about the national interests of Ethiopia.

Who knows, may be the Norwegians refused to give more money?? Hope to find out the real reason sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

Dear Tazabe ke Arbaminch, either you want us to assume your "magician" power or bluff discrediting such golden media like EZ. Go and read the link he posted. Job weldone EZ. Thanks to bring us to the the focal important job. Bravo Norway!!! and this is a clear message for us to push the other bill from Europe to compliment the one on the shelf of US congress (HR2003). Now that woyane is trying to prove humble and clean its hands, to the extent which resulted an immediate applaud for them in Addis, by letting UN inspection around Ogaden area.
Dear EZ and true Ethiopians, this is what the diasporaland people can do to help the struggle and come in unison to applaud for those governments who are standing besides our nation.

Anonymous said...

It is time to take advantage on the nervous weyane regime who is fighting with everybody in this world. The only stumbling block for peace in Ethiopia are some delusional people in the state department who think Tplf regime would stabilize the region. Rather the minority regime's reckless policy is driving the region in to abyss. We all must push for HR2003 in the Congress. Seasoned Congressmen/women are well aware of the region and are preparing to punish Tplf for its crime on the Ethiopian people.

Anonymous said...

According to weyane dictionary people who advices them on the dangerous situation in Ethiopia, the adventures invasion of Somalia and the festering relation with Eritrea is enemy number one. Thats why weyane expelled the Norwegian diplomats. Nothing more nothing less. Hope the Security council and European Commission would do something about it.

Anonymous said...

It is easy to figure: this has less to do with the border issue. Norway is one of the largest sponsors of somali and oromo refugees are the Norwegians. I suspect they might have been pushing TPLF negotiate with both liberation fronts. IF that is so, it is the legitimate thing to do. Meles does not eject the diplomats, because they favored Eritrea's. IS it not what he is after? look beyond that. Was it not just few weeks back that the Norwegians stopped funding the school of journalism at AAU?

Anonymous said...

Meles is fighting at all fronts.

1. The opposition party in Ethiopia.
2. The Ethiopian Diaspora around the world including Ethiopian Americans in the United States.
3. The war in Somalia
4. Ogaden
5. Freedom fighters in Gondar and different part of Ethiopia
6. Eritrea.
7. Respected newspapers around the world in the likes of NY times, Washington Post and all others that write about the current situation in Ethiopia.
8. EU
9. US congress (which is considering to pass HR2003 in September).
10. Everyone and anyone who has stopped funding the regime after Election 2005.

Something will break one of these days.

Anonymous said...


Lets not forget it was Norway that gave Crime Monster Meles "The UGLISET CHIHUAHUA" Zenawi the green award not so long ago. In fact it was in the middle of our struggle in 2005, the intention was to undermine our struggle by giving him an award. This is a vindication for Real-Ethiopians, when Norway gave this despicable Hagame the award, we the Real-Ethiopians were crying to have our CUDP leaders released from jail. I remember I wrote the Norwigian embassy in Ethiopia and its foreign ministery, why they are giving him the award while he has defaulted on Ethiopian democracy. I did not even get a response, today I am enjoying the last laugh!!!


Anonymous said...

Anonym 9:08

You are absolutely right! One of this days something has got give in. You forgot to mention one more devastating bad news, The infletion rate in Ethiopia is running 500%, Ethiopia is comparable to Zimbabwe right now. Read below the Geez script.

(ነኀሴ 22, 1999 ዓ.ም. / August 28, 2007)፦ በኢትዮጵያ ባልተጠበቀ ሁኔታ እየተከሰተ ያለውን የኑሮ ውድነት መቆጣጠር ከማይቻልበት ደረጃ ላይ እየደረሰ መሆኑን ከስፍራው የሚደርሱ መረጃዎች ጠቆሙ። በሀገሪቱ ለምግብ አገልግሎት የሚውሉ ማናቸውም ነገሮች ከ200% – 600% የመጨመረ ሲሆን፤ ሁኔታውን አቃልላለሁ በሚል አገዛዙ ጅንአድ (የጅምላ ንግድ አከፋፋይ ድርጅት) በኩል ዛሬ በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ በየቀበሌው ስኳር፣ በርበሬ፣ ዘይት፣ የመሳሰሉትን ማከፋፈል መጀመሩን ቢገልጽም ለችግሩ ዘላቂ የሆነ መፍትሄ ሊሆኑ እንደማይችል አንዳንድ የአዲስ አበባ ነዋሪዎች ገልጸውልናል።

ይህ በጅንአድ የሚደረገው ክፍፍል ለመንግስት ሰራተኞች በብድር የሚሰጥ ሲሆን ለልሎች ነዋሪዎች ግን በገንዘብ የሚከፋፈል መሆኑን ምንጮቻችን የገለጹ ሲሆን ድርጊቱ ኢህአዴግ የድርጅቱ አባል የሆኑ ግለሰቦችን ማባበያ የተወጠነ ነው ማለታቸውን ዛሬ ያነጋገርናቸው ታዛቢ ገልጸዋል።

የገበያውን ውድነት ለመቀነስና ከነዋሪው ገቢ ጋር ለማመጣጠን መንግስት የሚያደርገው ጥረት በእጅጉ ዝቅተኛ ነው የሚሉት የኢኮኖሚ ባለሙያ እንዳሉት በዛሬው እለት ብቻ 42 ብር ይሸጥ የነበረውና ህዝብ ሲማረርበት የነበረው የ 1 ኪሎ ስጋ ዋጋ 70ና 80 ብር ሲሸጥ ማየት ሀገሪቱ በደመነፍስ በሚራወጥ አገዛዝ ውስጥ መዘፈቋን ያሳያል። ብለዋል።

Anonymous said...

All these unfolding events and developments are yet indications that the despicable woyanne is slowly but surely nearing its ultimate death.

These lairs & looters can't stay hiding in the palace for ever... that is for sure.

Anonymous said...

I am not much surprised by the action of TPLF's government. Mind you, Norway had been a breast-feeder for both TPLF and Shabia while they were still fighting the very interset of Ethiopia in early 1970s and 80s. Norway is one of the sworn enemies of united Ethiopia for quite long. They claim they are the championes for the underdogs. Hmmm...
Thanks to the shameful prostitution of TPLF and EPLF (selling out our sisters to their cheap political advantage); do you know that there are more Norwagian/TPLFities "Dikalas" i.e mixed races than any other African decent in Oslo than anywhere else. Inheretly, I have no problem if my fellow Ethiopians mix with others (Black or White). What I know for sure from this sad story is rather disturbing. I have a first hand information, reveals that there are many relatively young widows of Ethiopian origin in Oslo who had been sold as sex slaves for the purpose of perverted and old aged Norwagians during TPLF "struggle" time just to gain cheap political and deplomatic win and as an exchange to a deplomatic platform. For example, Dr. Solomon Enkuay need to answer a lot of question about his perverted role in late seventies and early eighties. Therefore, please do not be surprised. There are many untold stories I am currently complied which will be publicly available when the right time avails. BTW, most of these act were delivered by Norwagian NGOs. Isn't it mystrious way how God works? The enemies of Ethiopia are paying their ultimate prices in no time. Look: Iraq, Iran, Syria and Palestine the most know hatchers of Ethiopian terrorists in late 60s,and 70s? Norway is a loser. It is a country that couldn't influence EU as it is not a member. Therefore, they will be rather busy now taking care of their "Dikalas".
God bless Ethiopia and her people.

Anonymous said...

Meles is fighting at all fronts:
1.Opossition party in Ethiopia
(Kinijit esate endebezet kitta teferekakese)
2. The Ethiopian Diaspora around the world including Ethiopian Americans in the United States.
(the fanatic diaspora doesn't know what time it is, let alone to positvely influnce Ethiopia. It is a lost case)

3. The war in Somalia
(It is very much important for a poor country like Ethiopia to put its feet in the Global politics if u wanna be a regional player)
4. Ogaden
Woyane has a PHD in gorilla warfare, in addition ONLF is very unpopular with the magority of Ethiopian ppl.
5. Freedom fighters in Gondar and different part of Ethiopia
(these freedom fighters exist in Enndelbu and Green_Yellow-Red fanatic mind in ECADF paltalk room
6. Eritrea.
(the regime is gasping for its last breath)

7. Respected newspapers around the world in the likes of NY times, Washington Post and all others that write about the current situation in Ethiopia.
(These news papers are more inerested about trashing BUSH strategy on terrorism rather than Ethiopian politics..

8. EU
(EU forign policy is very much confusing towards may countries. They addmit it themselves)

9. US congress ,which is considering to pass HR2003 in September.
(ye mote zemede yelehem)

10. Everyone and anyone who has stopped funding the regime after Election 2005.
( Ethiopia has recieved £12,000,000,000 bire last year, the biggest ever).

God bless Ethiopia


Anonymous said...


You are so funny. You are just like Meles. You do have answers for everything even if they are wrong all the time. The fact on the ground speaks for it self. The truth will prevail.

The credibility of Meles's EPRDF is shattered.

Anonymous said...

God help us from people like Joe and Meles.

Ethiopians Unite.

Anonymous said...


When are you going to tell us the truth? Your answers are full of ...
1. Lie
2. Lie
3. Lie
4. Lie
5. Lie
6. Lie
7. Lie
8. Lie
9. Lie
10. True. Ethiopia might have begged for 12 billion (I think the amount is a lie too). I bet most of it is stolen by Meles and his gang. Joe, what is up with the inflation and economic troubles in Ethiopia? Try again buddy. The truth will set you free.

Anonymous said...

Joe's lie EXPOSED.

Joe writes, "Ethiopia has recieved £12,000,000,000 bire last year, the biggest ever"

"£12,000,000,000 bire"

Joe was so busy lying he forgot to lose either the pound sign "£" or the "Bire" currency sign.

Anonymous said...

Kitafa says

Norway awarded Meles a Green award when the WORLD was against them. It means that they knew from the outset whom to award. Mind the Norwegian wisdom. Historically, they were our enemies at difficult times,sic- for arming Meles and the Like.
Be as it may, I am not contented with the reward Time gave us now. Hopefully they will think twice before they play cards with the Graziani. The Grazianis' know no friends.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kitafa. The Geraziani knows no friends. Norwegians gave them cash to buy arms and fed them while in famine. In return, Graziani sold his fellow country girls for cheap exchange as indicated herein above. Witness for your self. Visit the Tigrian girls in Oslo. You will pity and hate TPLF.Graziani is ruthless